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Scouting for Growth

Scouting for Growth

Hosted by: Sabine VanderLinden

There are over 140,000 FinTech ventures out there, including FinTechs, InsurTechs, HealthTechs, and WealthTechs. And the number keeps on changing every month. One statistic remains the same: 25% of these ventures have...

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Mark Dennis: Building the first wave of digital ecosystems

Episode #34

On this episode, Sabine VdL interviews Mark Dennis, a seasoned insurance executive with strong expertise in software platforms. Mark was the Global COO and Europe CEO for MunichRe Digital Partners, one of the most...
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Jean-Charles Velge: Insurance-as-a-Service

Episode #33

On this episode, Sabine VdL interviews Jean-Charles Velge, one of the co-founders of Qover after spending part of his career in the private equity industry ā€“ half of his time in Europe and the other half in Hong Kong...
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Sebastien Gaudin: Embedded Health... The next growth Frontier for insurance

Episode #32

On this episode, Sabine VdL interviews Sebastien Gaudin, co-founder and CEO of CareVoice, an embedded HealthTech InsurTech platform that has gown fast to become a leader in their category across Asia through their...
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Simon Torrance: The future is embedded

Episode #31

On this episode, Sabine VdL interviews Simon Torrance who is well known across the FinTech and insurance sectors as Mr. Embedded Finance.Ā  In December 2020 Simon wrote a very well-known article ā€˜Embedded Insurance, A...
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