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Michael Doyle: Raising $5Bn of capital for growth ventures

Episode #69

On this episode of the Scouting For Growth podcast, Sabine VdL talks to Michael Doyle, a brand and capital raise Guru who founded Brand Iron 20 years ago. Michael combines his branding and market making experience with his investment reporting analyst strengths to shape a company dedicated to creating congruent brands supported by strong financial and investment stories. With this approach Michael helped companies he supported over the years raise over $5 billion of capital.


  • Most people think of branding as how they present themselves and their company. I take branding beyond simply the message into something that produces tangible results. By integrating branding into all areas of business – Sales, Marketing, Operations, Finance… you can create a dynamic value proposition that comes alive, gets leads, and generates revenue.
  • We work with companies to identify what’s unique about their brand, how we successfully package and communicate that, and how we put together and take them to market to drive real results and help them achieve their outcomes, whether that’s driving revenue, driving growth, expansion of a new product of service into the marketplace, or expanding into new geographies.
  • The formula to raising $5 billion is really understanding your niche, how and why you’re better, and how to package that into a really clear and concise message. That’s the brand story. What most companies really have a difficult time with is telling a really sound financial story. When I start out with most companies they give me financials and spreadsheets, my job is to extract that information. The other side is communicating, highlighting and showcasing the team and their experience to effectively execute this plan and make investors feel comfortable that they know what they’re doing and confident that they’ll deliver and make this a reality.
  • In order to make ‘x’ revenue we have to get so many people to make buying decisions. To make those buying decisions we have to drive so much traffic and convert them from interested into buyers by clicking on an ad, a blog or a video. It’s a mathematical formula. We need to understand what it’s going to take, what our message needs to be, what are the most effective mediums, what’s the timing? All these ingredients have to come together to deliver the results we want to deliver. 


‘You need to understand what your ‘holistic brand’ is. It’s not just logos and websites – which are important – you've got to have a good culture and have the team that's going to deliver, communicate, and convey the claims on your website and brand materials.’
'We don't want our companies to be vapourware. We want them to be real and do what it says they will do. By doing this, you can produce some great results.’
'Whether you're a startup, SMB, or a large enterprise, you should always start with the end in mind. What are the end goals you want to achieve?’
‘Nothing ever works perfectly. The key is starting with assumptions and then adjusting and optimizing and fine-tuning it to where it's producing your desired outcome and results you're trying to achieve.'


CEO & Brand Champion of Brand Iron, a brand consulting & marketing firm that forges brands and drives revenue. Raised over $5 billion for clients. Helped 40 companies get acquired and 20 companies taken public.

I'm an advisor to PE firms, RE firms, and Tech companies, especially around capital raise efforts, branding, and positioning companies for acquisition. I also do much work with platform companies that PE firms own and help them grow and scale. I've been a part of 3 successful exits, including selling my own company and being part of an IPO. We own equity positions with top-performing SaaS/Tech and Real Estate companies. We also have helped companies raise over $5 Billion in capital and have been advisors to over 40 acquisitions.



There are over 140,000 FinTech ventures out there, including FinTechs, InsurTechs, HealthTechs, and WealthTechs. And the number keeps on changing every month. One statistic remains the same: 25% of these ventures have received investment and support from the financing world. 75% of these businesses still seek financing support from institutional and corporate investors alongside value-creating commercial collaboration opportunities with Global Fortune 500. 

Through this podcast series, I would like to demystify the world of corporate venturing, including how corporations collaborate with growth ventures, how venture capitalists and corporate venture capitalists make investment and collaboration choices in ventures and give tech founders and entrepreneurs, the strategies, tactics, tools, and techniques to build, grow and scale their business by understanding how those with financing power think. So, listen in, share and comment as you see fit.

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Website: www.sabinevdl.com