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Tristan Pelloux: 1-0-1 on Scaling FinTechs

Episode #70

On this episode of the Scouting For Growth podcast, Sabine VdL talks to Tristan Pelloux, An expert who is passionate about FinTech and Innovation. After several years in Corporate Strategy and Finance at Virgin Money, Tristan decided to launch Strategwhy, an independent management consultancy. He is also the Chief Pencil Officer at Fintech Review, online media on the Fintech industry.


  • I was producing lots of insights for Virgin Money (where I worked in corporate finance) trying to figure out what was going on in that world, the trends, innovations. I thought it was a shame that the audience was so small within the company, so I set up the media site in 2020 to spread my thoughts about what was going on. It’s evolved from a personal site where I wrote blogs to more of a platform with other people sharing FinTech insights and interviews with business leaders and entrepreneurs in the field. This is my passion work and I do consulting, which is how I pay the rent, where I work with companies across Europe and help them with their strategy and helping them to scale to reach a new level.
  • I am Mr Organisation, I like to make lists, do tests, I like plans. I tell my clients we’re going to meet twice a week, this is the agenda of the meeting, this is what we’re going to do this week, this is what we’re going to do next week. It’s about maintaining order. This doesn’t mean you can’t be inventive or innovative, you just need to channel things and do it in a very planned way, otherwise your energy is going in too many directions and you’re losing time. If everybody is aligned, they know what’s going on, there is a clear plan, and you divide the tasks between people then you achieve much more.
  • Things move faster and can evolve faster in a startup than in a corporate business where you’ve got access to a lot of experts and resources. It’s super interesting to see how you can do the same project in two different environments; you need much more adaptability in a startup and the goals are much more about growth, with corporates there are more structures and restraints where everybody needs to be on the page before you can move forward.
  • One of the challenges in FinTech is there are too many companies going after the same customers and there’s not enough money to be made out of retail customers. It’s not enough to be making money out of interchange. This can be great for the customer to have so much choice, but it’s also confusing because there are so many players and it’s fragmented. Lots of FinTech’s are battling to become the ‘super app’, and we’ll see which will emerge. Still, so many of them don’t have good business models and are loss-making, it will be challenging for them with less funding available. But there are opportunities in the B2B space.

‘The environment is very different now than it was two years ago. It wasn’t easy to sell but funding was easier, and it was easier to scale. The challenges are the same for everybody from startups to big businesses.’
‘What’s important for businesses right now is strategic focus and execution – instead of going in many directions at the same time, do one thing very well. That’s how I’m helping businesses.’
‘The next two years are going to be difficult for FinTechs because rounds will be down, some others will get no funding at all. There may be consolidation, so FinTechs in a good position will be able to scale faster through inorganic growth.’
‘Some services that were not economically viable to provide to the mass market now are through the use of technology. So, at which point are you going to provide some sort of personalised service when you can do it cheaply?’

After over five years in corporate strategy and finance at Virgin Money UK in London, Tristan Pelloux launched Strategwhy, an independent management consulting company, to provide independent guidance and advice to business leaders and founders of startup and scaleup companies across the world.


There are over 140,000 FinTech ventures out there, including FinTechs, InsurTechs, HealthTechs, and WealthTechs. And the number keeps on changing every month. One statistic remains the same: 25% of these ventures have received investment and support from the financing world. 75% of these businesses still seek financing support from institutional and corporate investors alongside value-creating commercial collaboration opportunities with Global Fortune 500. 

Through this podcast series, I would like to demystify the world of corporate venturing, including how corporations collaborate with growth ventures, how venture capitalists and corporate venture capitalists make investment and collaboration choices in ventures and give tech founders and entrepreneurs, the strategies, tactics, tools, and techniques to build, grow and scale their business by understanding how those with financing power think. So, listen in, share and comment as you see fit.

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